We are a creative communications agency… inspired by the power of design.

Jo Communications was born out of a passion for design and a deep appreciation for its influence on the way we go about our lives, including its effect on how we work, play, engage, and connect. It exposes and expresses our views of the world, our culture, our communities, our individuality, and our humanity.

We thrill in design’s ability to discover our needs, shape our desires, demonstrate purpose, and bring meaning to place.  

We see designers as problem solvers in the ever-evolving puzzles of life, extractors of how we feel, and realizers of what we hope to be.

Like art, design expresses who we are. Like science, it’s measured and functional. Like water, it’s fluid and ever-changing. Like oxygen, it breathes life into how we live.

The heart of our strategy… is your story.

Because we are communicators first, we recognize the value of story. For more than 20 years, we have championed the stories of our design and lifestyle clients and garnered widespread recognition that translates to positive, ongoing, needle-moving visibility on their behalf.

Jo Communications seeks to not only share news and information but also the purpose, vision and value each of our clients offers. With endless sources of information available to us, we are keenly attuned to the art of storytelling and know what it takes to stand out.  

From a cornucopia of experiences, influences, shifting standards, steadfast beliefs, and the contextual fabric of life itself, stories take shape. We embrace narrative not only for perspective but also to express the better way, the smarter approach, the more efficient plan, the right fit, the beautiful solution, the great idea. 

We know successful brands have good stories to tell. Our work at Jo Communications helps our clients build their businesses, gain competitive advantage, engage employees, create loyalty, and inspire hearts and minds. 

About MJ Fasan, CEO + Founder

The Jo ethos springs from our founder and CEO, Mary Jo (MJ) Fasan, who brings her love of design and deep well of experience in marketing and public relations to lead Jo’s all-women team. MJ believes that the most impactful stories are those centered around culture, community, and connection, and consistently seeks to bring attention to inspirational ideas and outcomes that uplift and enhance the way we live.

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